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This document is a translation. In the event of any dispute to the interpretation of any of these conditions, the official Dutch language version shall prevail.
General Terms and Conditions Just Flow and Flow Remedies, version March 15th 2021 (additions made for Billink post-pay method)
Note: this document pertains to both Just Flow and Flow Remedies. To make it easier to read the choice has been made to only mention Just Flow/ us
These general terms and conditions (hereafter referred to as GTC) apply to every offer and quote made by Just Flow and to every distance contract agreed upon by Just Flow and her customers, to the exclusion of the customer’s own general terms and conditions should the customer be a business owner.
Before entering a distance contract, these GTC will be made available to the customer. If this is not reasonably possible, Just Flow will indicate in which way the GTC can be obtained and accessed or mail a copy to the customer free of charge upon first request.
In the case that the distance contract is entered into by electronic means, the copy will (by way of derogation from the above) be made available to the customer electronically in such a way that the customer can easily save the document on a durable data carrier. When this is not reasonably possible, Just Flow will notify the customer where they can access the GTC electronically or send a copy to them by other means (free of charge).
In the case that these GTC coincide with specific product or service conditions, and if certain conditions are contrary, the customer may invoke the condtion applicable to the situation that is most favourable for them.
You can place your order in the online store, by e-mail, or by telephone. Just Flow is based in
Vlissingen, Bizetlaan 5, 4384 KP. Trade register no: 22061713, and BTW/VAT no: NL001754955B85
The address for correspondence is:
Just Flow
Bizetlaan 5
4384 KP Vlissingen
The items ordered will be set aside for you untill receipt of your payment. After your payment has been received, your order will be shipped as soon as possible. Specifically, this means the work day of receipt of payment or the next workday, save in exceptional circumstances like items that are in back order, illnes or trading loss. In such cases the customer will be notified of any delay as soon as possible.
Any orders for which payment has not been received within two weeks will automatically expire, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Just Flow works with prepayment into account NL49RABO 0 in name Just Flow, Vlissingen.
The customer can also pay via iDeal if they are based in the Netherlands. This is a safe payment gateway where customers can pay via their own bank.
The advantage of this is that an order can be shipped sooner. As soon as payment for an order has been received, the order will be shipped. The customer will be notified of any changes in the status of their order by e-mail.
Goods will remain the property of Just Flow until receipt of payment.
International customers can pay via Mister Cash (Belgium), V-Pay (e.g. Germany, Italy) or Paypal, which is an online payment service owned by e-Bay.
Added for Billink: This text has been translated, if any error should lead to doubt about the meaning of the text, the original Dutch text (included below, the part for Belgium is not translated as it relates to Belgian law specifically) is leading at all times:
When you choose to use our post-pay method, you commit yourself to paying the amount due to Billink BV (hereafter: Billink) within the payment term. All rights resulting from the receiveable have ultimately been transferred to Billink, who will ensure the collection of the receiveable.
Your data will be checked and registered by, or on behalf of, Billink.This data may be used, amongst other things, for collecting outstanding debt, marketing purposes, data verification and screening of orders in the implementation of the acceptance policy of the organisations or clients that are affiliated with Billink BV.
Billink reserves the right to deny any request for the use of post-payment. The payment term used is a fixed term. In the case of late payment, the customer is therefor automatically in default without the need for a notice of default. Billink is therefor entitled to charge the monthly legal interest rate from the due date of the invoice, whereby part of a month is regarded as a full month. In addition to this and based on the law, Billink is entitled to charge the customer extrajudicial costs. In the case of business customers, Billink is also entitled to charge reminder fees and collection costs, notwithstanding Billink's right to charge the customer the actual costs in the case that these exceed the amount thus calculated.
These costs amount to a minimum of 15% of the principal, with a minimum of 40 euros for consumers and 75 euros for business customers. Additionally, Billlink is entitled to transfer the receivable to a third party. The aforementioned with regards to Billink will then also transfer to the party to whom the receivable is transferred.
Original Dutch text:
Indien u voor achteraf betaling kiest, dient u binnen de gestelde
betalingstermijn het bedrag te voldoen aan Billink B.V. (hierna: “Billink”). Alle
rechten uit hoofde van de vordering zijn immers door ons overgedragen aan
Billink, die de inning van de vordering zal verzorgen. Uw gegevens worden
door of namens Billink getoetst en geregistreerd, deze gegevens kunnen
onder meer worden gebruikt voor de incassering van openstaande
vorderingen, marketingdoeleinden, dataverificatie en de toetsing van orders
in de uitvoering van het acceptatiebeleid van bij Billink aangesloten
organisaties en/of opdrachtgevers. Billink behoudt zich het recht voor om het
verzoek van de klant voor achteraf betalen te weigeren. De gehanteerde
betalingstermijn is een fatale termijn. Bij niet tijdige betaling is de klant dan
ook zonder ingebrekestelling in verzuim en is Billink gerechtigd vanaf de
vervaldatum van de factuur maandelijks wettelijke handelsrente (waarbij een
gedeelte van een maand als hele maand wordt beschouwd) in rekening te
brengen. Billink is bovendien gerechtigd buitengerechtelijke incassokosten op
grond van de wet bij de klant in rekening te brengen. In geval van zakelijke
klanten is Billink tevens gerechtigd herinnerings- en aanmaningskosten bij de
klant in rekening te brengen, onverminderd het recht van Billink om de
daadwerkelijk gemaakte kosten bij de klant in rekening te brengen indien
deze het aldus berekende bedrag te boven mochten gaan. Deze kosten
bedragen minimaal 15% van de hoofdsom met een minimum van 40 euro voor
consumenten en 75 euro voor bedrijven. Billink is tevens gerechtigd de
vordering aan een derde over te dragen. Hetgeen in het voorgaande met
betrekking tot Billink is bepaald gaat in dat geval tevens over op de derde aan
wie de vordering is overgedragen.
Voor Belgische klanten:
De niet betaling van de factuur op de vervaldatum leidt tot het opstarten van
interne en externe rappelprocedure. Van rechtswege en zonder
ingebrekestelling zal per verstuurde interne rappel van Billink een forfaitaire
administratieve kost à € 12,50 in rekening gebracht worden. Van zodra Billink
verplicht is de vordering over te maken aan een gespecialiseerd
invorderingsbureau, dit wegens blijvende wanbetaling, wordt de vordering
eveneens verhoogd met een forfaitair schadebeding, uit hoofde van nietbetaling, van 20% met een minimum van € 10 alsmede een verwijlsintrest a
rato van 12 % per jaar, berekend op het bedrag van de factuur vanaf de datum
van verzending van de factuur. De kosten verbonden aan deze overdracht van
dossier alsmede de vergoeding voor de inning van de verschuldigde bedragen
worden forfaitair begroot op € 35,00 en blijven volledig ten uwe laste, dit
onverminderd de hierboven beschreven kosten voor interne rappels, forfaitair
schadebeding en verwijlsintresten. De rechtbanken van het gerechtelijk
arrondissement Antwerpen zijn als enige bevoegd om geschillen betreffende
de betaling of de uitvoering van onze leveringen te beslechten
Just Flow is not liable for damages caused by incorrect storage, use or handling of her products.
Just Flow can never be held liable to pay any kind of financial compensation to the buyer or others, unless malicious intent or gross negligence on the part of Just Flow has been proven. Just Flow is never liable for any collateral, indirect, environmental damage or trading loss.
Should Just Flow be liable for any (in)direct damage, the amount will in all instances be limited to the sales value of the relevant item.
Regarding the crystal/gemstone articles: crystals are a product of nature that can differ in colour amongst themselves. They can also have lines, superficial lines, inclusions etc.
Use of the products sold by Just Flow is at your own risk. Consult a doctor or therapist when you have health concerns. The products that are offered in our online shop are never a replacement for professional (vet/doctor’s) treatments. This is why Just Flow can never be held liable for any damages that stemming from not seeking medical assistance or not seeking that assistance on time.
Just Flow excludes any liabilty for any kind of direct or indirect damage that stems from the use of and the (un)successful connecting with Just Flow’s websites.
Just Flow is also never liable for any direct or indirect material, immaterial or Financial damages that may or may not occur due to the use of the information and documents on our websites.
Just Flow’s websites contain links and references to other websites. Just Flow can not be held accountable for the content of said websites. The availability of links to third party websites is a service and not a requirement or part of our activities.
Termination of the contract
When a customer places an order with Just Flow, they , in principle, commit themselves to take delivery of that order, and Just Flow commits herself to supply the purchased items.
However, it can happen that you change your mind. An order can be cancelled under the following conditions:
- You exercise your right to the Legal 14 day reflection period (14 days after receipt of your order) and notify us within that period that you wish to return one or more items. This will only be possible if the items are unused and in their original package.
- When payment for an order hasn’t been received within 14 days
- In the event that an item unexpectedly turns out to be out of stock and can’t be delivered to you within the time limit you wish.
- Simply by mutual consent
Protected trademarks
Flow Remedies and Miron glas are protected trademarks.
Exception with regard to Flow Remedies products: under no circumstances is it permitted to relable (private labeling) and sell any Flow Remedies essences and sprays, either in their original form or in diluted or modified form without prior written consent and/or prior contractual agreements. In cases where this is suspected, Just Flow reserves the right to cancel the order and reverse the transaction. Should it be necessary, legal steps will be taken.
Returning items is possible within 14 days after receipt of your order. The items will need to be in original/unused/resalable state, in their original packaging and with unbroken seals in case of essence bottles. You don’t need to supply a reason for returning items.
Return shipping costs for a normal return shipment within the Netherlands are for the customer’s account, except when you have already paid shipping costs with your order. You will only pay shipping costs once, either for delivery to your address or for the return shipment. Should you pay for the return shipment, then the shipping costs for delivery to your address will be reimbursed.
For return shipments from outside of the Netherlands the shipping costs are for the customer’s account and the shipping costs for delivery to your address can unfortunately not be reimbursed.
The above does not apply to complaints, but ONLY after you have contacted us about the nature of your complaint and the return shipment. In the case of a complaint the costs for returning the relevant item will be paid for by Just Flow.
If you so wish a return label or digital stamp will be provided to for the return shipment. You may also choose to advance the costs and we will reimburse them together with the price of the item or items you wish to return. Because of this, shipments without postage will not be accepted.
A reimbursement will always be paid into the account number from which your payment has originated.
Not satisfied with your order? Tell us! Satisfied with your order? Tell others!
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us and we’ll work it out together.
Crystals are natural products and when using them it may happen that a crystal becomes dull or even cracks. This is usually a consequence of the interaction between the crystal and the person that uses or wears it. The crystal releases its energy and absorbs energy from the environment or the person that’s using/wearing it. Regularly cleansing your crystals will help to prevent this, as it is not possible to return crystals for this reason. There are many methods of cleansing, and not all of them may be beneficial to your crystal. Please check which methods can be used.
Opened essence bottles can not be returned, so you may want to try one first to see if you like it.
Occasionally, a crystal that has been glued on a jewelry item comes loose. If you want to return the item, please refrain from trying to glue it back on yourself, as your right of return will be void if this fails. Please contact us first so we can get the item repaired or replaced.